WSL2 Includes a Full Linux Kernel

Date: 09 May 2019

Categories: Microsoft

A couple days ago, Microsoft announced WSL2 which includes some pretty big changes. The biggest change is that it includes a full Linux kernel. WSL emulates Linux system calls but WSL2 includes a kernel which will allow it to run significantly more apps, including Docker.

We started our deployment of System Center Configuration Manager 2012 last week and I ran into an interesting problem. One of the first apps I rolled out to test with was Strawberry Perl. I grabbed the 64-bit MSI and ran through the Create Application wizard and added the MSI to the deployment types. One quick deployment later and ConfigMgr was happily installing perl on my servers. … Most of my servers.
One of my criteria for choosing a virtualization platform is that it had to run Windows and Linux guests. Linux, of course, works out of the box on most VM hosts. Windows is a whole other story. The good news is that Windows Server 2003 and Server 2008 work just fine on KVM. There are, however, a few weird things that I’ve noticed so I thought I’d share some of them with you today.