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Courier and SpamAssassin
Date: 12 December 2006
Categories: courier, spamassassin
Needed FreeBSD Ports lang/perl5 SpamAssassin requires Perl 5.6 or higher. Note: Remeber to run use.perl ports before builing SpamAssassin. mail/p5-Mail-SpamAssassin databases/mysql40-server databases/p5-DBD-mysql Needed so SpamAssassin can talk to MySQL /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/ I like to store users' settings in a MySQL database. See the SpamAssassin SQL README for instructions on setting that up.
user_scores_dsn DBI:mysql:Accounts:localhost user_scores_sql_username sa user_scores_sql_password <password> user_scores_sql_table SA_userprefs MySQL Table CREATE TABLE SA_userprefs ( username varchar(128) default '' NOT NULL, preference varchar(30) default '' NOT NULL, value varchar(100) default '' NOT NULL, prefid int(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (prefid), INDEX (username) ) COMMENT = "Accounts' SpamAssassin preferences.