Chillin' in Arizona
Date: 28 May 2019
I took some time last week to de-stress and recharge. My family and I went to Arizona to spend time with my wife’s family and see some of the sights. Much fun was had but I’m glad I had Monday to rest before going back to work. Not everything I did is described here but here are a few of the highlights.
Grand Canyon
One of the things I was really looking forward to was the trip to Grand Canyon. This year is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Grand Canyon National Park. I highly recommend going but there are a few places that had to “Nope!” out of. Heights and I do not get along.
We originally planed to go to Grand Canyon earlier in the week. We put if off until later in the week due to cold and snow. Words cannot describe how vast the canyon is. Sure, you can stop at The Abyss and know that it’s over 3000 feet down but seeing it is different. It’s almost incomprehensible.
We visited the South Rim. The Rim Trail run along the rim and gives you great views of the canyon. There are a number of points along the trail where you get a great view of the canyon. There are place where the size and depth of Grand Canyon is so far beyond comprehension that it starts to look fake.
Pima Air & Space Museum
On Saturday, I went to the Pima Air & Space Museum. They had a number of very cool planes. There are pictures of a few of them below. I’ve always loved naval aviation and that got me into fighter planes, in general.
There were a few other pictures that I wanted to share. We spent some time in Sedona. I didn’t take many pictures there. It’s a beautiful area. We also stopped at the Four Corners monument on the way home.
I also found this really photogenic lizard. I have no clue what type of lizard it is but it look really disappointed.